Annual Report 2021-2022
Annual Report 2021-2022
Letter from our Senior Pastor
Dear Holy Trinity Church,
As we look back on the twelve months of our fiscal year since last May, we see a year of God’s hand continuing to lead us in ways that we are so grateful for. Isaiah 40 proclaims
Have you not known? Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He does not faint or grow weary;
his understanding is unsearchable.
And we have seen his hand among us.
Surprisingly this last year has led to the closing of the Pilsen congregation. But we see God’s hand in this. God has done so much within Pilsen over the last eight years of ministry. And so we want to celebrate what he has done. People baptized. Children taught. Community groups studying God’s word. Loving our neighbors. We look forward to what the Lord will do as the Pilsen congregants join our Downtown congregation.
God’s hand has been strong among our North Side Congregation. The pandemic has hit the North Side hard, but our people are excited about what is ahead. The ministry of HTC Counseling continues to move forward strongly and our Gospel Justice Center's work of providing legal counsel for those who are at risk in partnership with Administer Justice is going quite well.
Among the Downtown congregation saw one of the most important provisions in years. Very nearly miraculously, and after months and months of prayer, God suddenly surprised us all by providing an around-the-clock space for us to rent. Located just a block West of the Art Institute, this provision energized all. Suddenly the challenge of running kid’s ministries in coat rooms and hotel spaces was solved. In a race against the clock to renovate 228 South Wabash, with the need for a favorable Zoning Board decision, on April 3 after fourteen years at Murphy Auditorium, the downtown congregation had a new home. And it was so clearly evident that God had led us.
Let me share one memory with you all that is a very small snapshot of what God is doing. Liza, a UIC student, began attending the evening service at HTC downtown four years ago during her freshman year. When we reopened and began meeting at Hotel Sofitel – she was back, faithfully attending. As she began to become involved in our Campus Outreach ministry, God began to really meet her, opening her eyes to grace and the goodness of Christ. On [date] she was baptized at 218 South Wabash. She shared with tears how God has changed her. God does not grow weary!
We believe that our best days are ahead of us at HTC.
In Christ,
Jon Dennis
Year at a Glance

After long months of having to shift around from one hotel to another our Downtown congregation moved to a more permanent meeting space at 218 S. Wabash. This space has been a blessing to our congregation and enabled new opportunities and horizons for ministry.
This new 24/7 space also created new discipleship opportunities including the Holy Trinity Institute for discipleship and mission with the purpose of equipping practicing disciples for life and service in the city of Chicago. You can learn more about the Institute below!
HTC Downtown
Move to 218 S. Wabash
HTC North Side
Two New Ministry Initiatives
Our North Side congregation launched two new ministry initiatives, a Gospel Justice Center in partnership with Administer Justice, and a counseling ministry, HTC Counseling. Our gospel justice center provides low-cost legal aid to members of the community empowering our neighbors with the help of a lawyer and the hope of God’s love!
HTC Counseling believes that everyone needs help and everyone can be a helper. HTC Counseling hopes to make it easier for normal people to talk about normal struggles. We all struggle, but some of our struggles are harder to talk about than others. You can learn more about HTC Counseling and our gospel justice center below
HTC North Side
Hear about this last year on the North Side from our lead pastor Kyle Edwards, from meeting outdoors to the launching of new ministry initiatives.
HTC Downtown
Hear from HTC’s executive pastor Sully Curtin as he explains the transformations that have taken place downtown this year, from moving to 218 S. Wabash to investing in the neighborhoods of Chicago.
Congregational Updates
Where does your giving to Holy Trinity Church go? Your giving is what makes it possible for us to host services on a weekly basis, pay our employees, and contribute to gospel work happening here in Chicago and around the world supporting missions via our Global Ministry Partners. You can find a more detailed report on our finances by clicking the link below.